Father Forbids His Son to Become a Dancer, Gets Sudden Call from Hospital Later — Story of the Day

Father Forbids His Son to Become a Dancer, Gets Sudden Call from Hospital Later — Story of the Day

The dinner table was already set. As the aroma of freshly prepared spaghetti and meatballs lingered, Luke’s 6-year-old brother, Walter, hugged his little, grumbling tummy, unable to control his hunger.

Their mother, Eliza, served dinner and carefully fixed a plate for her husband. Then she joined the kids at the table, and everyone was now waiting for Harry. He always started the dinner, and others followed.

While Walter’s mouth was watering at the delicious dinner, Luke’s heart was fluttering with excitement. It was a special day for him, and he couldn’t wait to make the big announcement…

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Luke had finally graduated high school and knew his father would ask about his future plans. The young boy was excited to tell his family about the exciting opportunity he had gotten, which would be any minute now.


As Harry finally joined everyone at the table, they held hands and said their prayers. Then the dinner began, and just as Luke was about to tell about his plans, Harry spoke up about their neighbor’s son.

“I must say, the Logans raised their lad well,” he said, reaching for the salad. “You know, their eldest son, Peter, came to my plant today. Young chap. But what a talented boy! He’ll make a brilliant mechanic! Maybe one day he’ll even become a senior mechanic!”

“Actually, Dad…” Luke nervously began, pushing his spaghetti around with the fork and barely meeting his father’s eyes. “I…I, too, have some news. For everyone, including you.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I know, son!” his father beamed. “Now that your graduation is over, there wouldn’t be a better time to discuss your future plans. But you need not worry about anything!

I’ve already made arrangements for you. You do recall Frank, don’t you? My dearest buddy, who owns an auto repair shop? He said you could work there until I have a spot at the plant!”

“What?” Luke looked up in surprise. “No, Dad, I’m…I don’t want to become a plant mechanic!”

“What do you mean?” His father looked from him to Eliza. “Your mother and I already decided this for you. But before you jump into the job, you’d need to be trained. So I asked Frank to let you try your hands at his garage! You know…to help you learn your way around auto parts.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Dad, oh god!” Luke’s shoulders slumped, and he leaned back in his chair. “No, no, you should’ve asked me! I don’t want to spend my entire life handling and repairing automobiles!

Harry burst out laughing. “Oh, boy, you almost got me! Luke, this isn’t the time for pranks, OK? Dancing? Oh God! Not even Walter tries out such pranks these days!”

Luke couldn’t believe his father just dismissed him. He looked at his mother and younger brother laughing at him and felt very annoyed.

He was helluva serious about making a career in dancing, and his family thought it was a prank? Really?

“Dad, I’m serious!” he said, sounding stern. “I’m going to Florida next week, and that’s it. I’m 90% confident that I’ll make it, and I’m not gonna let this opportunity pass. I worked hard for this, Dad!”

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


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