Method of Growing Sweet Potatoes on a Trellis at Home for High Yield

Method of Growing Sweet Potatoes on a Trellis at Home for High Yield

1. Choose Healthy Slips: Pick sturdy, disease-resistant sweet potato slips from a nursery.
2. Prepare the Trellis: Erect a sturdy trellis structure that can support vine growth.
3. Planting: Space the slips 12-18 inches apart at the base of the trellis, covering the roots gently.
4. Soil Prep: Enhance soil with compost or potting mix and, optionally, organic fertilizer for nutrients.
5. Train the Vines: Guide vines upwards using soft ties to prevent damage.
6. Mulch and Water: Mulch around plants to retain moisture and water regularly, keeping soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
7. Prune and Maintain: Trim excess growth to prevent overcrowding and remove any yellowing leaves promptly.
8. Harvesting: Dig around the base of vines to unearth tubers 3-4 months after planting. Let harvested sweet potatoes cure in a warm, dry spot for 1-2 weeks.
9. Storage: Store in a cool, dark, ventilated area; avoid refrigeration.
With these steps, you’ll soon enjoy a hearty harvest of sweet potatoes from your trellis garden.


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