My Father-in-Law Gave Me a Pillow as an Anniversary Gift – I Was Shocked When I Learned His True Intentions

My Father-in-Law Gave Me a Pillow as an Anniversary Gift – I Was Shocked When I Learned His True Intentions

Josh had just taken their daughter, Emily for a stroll around the garden when the doorbell rang, signaling that the day needed to begin.

A person holding a baby's hands | Source: Unsplash

A person holding a baby’s hands | Source: Unsplash

“I have a package for you,” the delivery man said as I opened the door.

I signed and carried the box into the kitchen. Our third wedding anniversary was this week, and Josh was always ordering things for me.

“I just want to surprise you, Kate,” he said one day while we were lounging on the couch. “It’s just the little things, you know?”

So, naturally, as I took the package to the kitchen, I just assumed that it was from him.

A couple on a couch | Source: Pexels

A couple on a couch | Source: Pexels

Until I took a pair of scissors and cut through the thick tape. Opening the package, I found a beautifully embroidered pillow, a note sticking out beneath it. It would have matched our living room décor perfectly.

Happy Anniversary, Josh and Kate! – Taylor.

A package with a pillow inside | Source: Midjourney

A package with a pillow inside | Source: Midjourney

For a moment, I reveled in the kindness of the gesture. But then I remembered that there was no way possible that Josh would accept this gift.

“Hey, what’s this?” Josh said, coming back into the kitchen with Emily on his shoulders. “Did we order something?”

A man carrying his daughter | Source: Pexels

A man carrying his daughter | Source: Pexels

“Well, it’s a gift,” I said cautiously. “From your father.”

Josh pulled the note from me, his eyes flying across the paper.

I wondered what he was going to do. Josh and his father had a very complicated relationship. When Josh was a child, Taylor had abandoned him and his mother.

He had been seeing another woman, and when it finally came down to a choice, Taylor had chosen the other woman.

A mother and son | Source: Pexels

A mother and son | Source: Pexels

Josh had been seven, and he had never recovered from it. He told me all about it one evening when we went out for dinner.

“A father is supposed to choose you, Kate. But he went ahead and left us behind so that he could start a new life with his mistress. That’s not how this works.”

A couple having dinner | Source: Pexels

I understood his point of view. Of course, he had just wanted his father to be there for him and his mother.

Instead, Taylor had other ideas.

“He said that he needed to be happy, and that my mother was too strict with him. He had a job, but he was always doing illegal things on the side. So he packed up his things and left.”

A man with packed bags | Source: Pexels

“What do you mean?” I asked, shocked that Josh had been exposed to something like that at such a young age.

“Money, swindling it. Gambling, all that,” my husband said as he picked up his glass of whiskey.

And that was it. Josh didn’t speak to him again until a year before we got married.

Taylor had heard about our upcoming wedding through other relatives, and he thought it was the perfect opportunity to try and make things right between them.

A person holding a phone | Source: Unsplash

But Josh refused.

“I don’t want him around us on our special day, Kate. It’s not going to benefit anyone. And if anything, seeing him will spoil everything for me.”

“And you don’t think you’d regret it?” I asked as I folded wedding invitations into envelopes.

“Not at all,” Josh replied, picking up an envelope. “For all we know, someone will come and crash the ceremony because he owes them money.”

A wedding invitation | Source: Pexels

And that was that. Topic closed.

I didn’t want to push it. I knew it was up to him to deal with it later if he regretted it. I would support him, but I wouldn’t want to overstep anything, especially because Taylor sounded like a lot to deal with.

A couple embracing | Source: Pexels

A couple embracing | Source: Pexels

When Emily was born, Taylor tried to get into our good books one more time. He wanted to reach out and try to make things right with Josh so that he could have his role of being a grandfather.

“I don’t want him around us. I don’t want him around our child. Please, Kate, don’t fight me on this one. This man is bad news,” my husband said, carrying our baby.

A newborn baby's feet | Source: Pexels

A newborn baby’s feet | Source: Pexels

So that was it.

Which brings us back to the present.

Josh picked up the pillow and felt it up and down; he even put it to his ear, his eyes widening.

“Sweetheart, we can’t keep this pillow!” he said.

Without another word, he rushed over and threw it out the back door.

“Josh, what’s going on?” I exclaimed, leaving Emily in her high seat with fruit slices.

“It’s ticking, Kate! There’s something inside. He’s up to something.”

A person cutting fruit | Source: Pexels

A person cutting fruit | Source: Pexels

“Ticking?” I said. “What do you mean?”

We both went outside.

We stood over the pillow lying innocently among our garden flowers. I hesitated, then reached down to listen.

Sure enough, there was a soft ticking sound.

Yellow garden flowers | Source: Pexels

Yellow garden flowers | Source: Pexels

“Oh,” I said, shocked. I had been convinced that Josh had been hearing things that weren’t there.

Why would Taylor want to hurt us in any way?

“Take out your phone and video this entire thing,” Josh said as he bent to pick up the pillow. “Just in case something happens or there’s something illegal in there.”


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